My latest athletic journey started 2012; fifty three years old and 194 pounds. I'd had enough. Starting with Beachbody Insanity, I lost thirty pounds, and followed with the Syttende Mai 10 mile run.  I found, much to my surprise, I was and OK runner! and kept at it. Today, I am 64 years old and still <164 pounds. In between, I completed Ironman Wisconsin in 2015, the 2019 Boston Marathon, and scores of 10Ks, Half and Full Marathons, sprint, Olympic and half Ironman triathlons, and multiple Horribly Hill bicycle rides!

I'm grateful for all the race and event volunteers,  teammates and competitors, coaches, fans and supporters that have contributed to a lifestyle change that has benefited me greatly. 

I love discussing swim, bike and run. Reading and studying, and listening to and watching other competitors helps me improve my knowledge. Becoming a certified running coach best gives me the opportunity to pay forward the inspiration others have shared with me to which I have aspired.

I researched multiple coaching certification programs. The connection between the McMillan program, Garmin Coach, and coach Arthur Lydiard piqued my interest.  I thoroughly enjoyed completing the McMillan Certified Coach program. In developing my coaching philosophy and methodology I look forward to continued education and growth and being of service to others who aspire to meet the personal challenges of athletic endeavor.  

While it is not my intent to 'charge' for this coaching service; it does not come without cost. Investments in time and commitments must be mutually respected for continued collaboration.

My 2023 Chicago Marathon Workbook

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